Friday, July 29, 2011

1909 Part 2: The End of a Decade

Hello again! I know it's been awhile...i've been lazy. But i'm back again and we will finish this decade!!

We start this second part with more Griffith...shoot me.

I'm a theatre major, as you should know from the title of this blog, so I know Shakespeare pretty well. I've seen and been a part of numerous productions of his plays including Macbeth, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, A Winter's Tale, As You Like It, and of course Midsummer Night's Dream. Now I understand that this was made over 100 years ago but even so the material had been around over 300 years at this point you couldn't think of SOMETHING new to bring the table Griffith? Also the editing was absolutely atrocious. It's one thing for pieces of film to be missing but to cut in extremely weird places for no discernible reason was extremely annoying and lazy on Griffith's part. The only thing that was done kind of okay was Puck's flying and even that was less than stellar. It's just bad.

Next up we finally have a film that was made by someone who isn't freaking D.W. Griffith. Mr. Flip by Gilbert M. Anderson

I'm slightly saddened by this film. I've heard of the greatness of Ben Turpin and this was said to be the first evidence pie-to-the-face comedy in film, so I expected it to be good. By the end of the film I was just confused and not even close to amused. Throughout the entire film this guy fucks with these women and then they mess with him in return. It was meant to be playful but he went around and rubbed their faces and in return he gets stabbed in the ass, electrocuted, and shot in the face with seltzer is that fair? And on top of all of that why would a pie in the face end his shenanigans? We'll never know I guess.

Now the return of J. Stuart Blackton with Princess Nicotine.

I. Don't. Understand. This whole lack of consistency trend is grating on my nerves. I don't understand why the dude was using a magnifying glass to see a fairy that was at least a foot tall. I don't understand why the pipe fairy wasn't burned when she was being lit whilst in said pipe. I don't understand how a seemingly normal person sees a few fairies and is like OH HAI this is TOTES a normal occurrence...puh-lease. I don't understand why the magnifying glass shot was used...when he wasn't using a magnifying glass. I just don't understand.

And now for another installment of Racism 101 by D.W. Griffith with The Red Man's View.

I'm only going to say a few things about this because it really doesn't warrant a full response. The cinematography was good but no amount of pretty shots will help me like this film. The blatant disregard for actual Native American traditions is appalling. I can't...UGH. This is actually worse than Edison's foray into exploitation back in the 1890s. Le sigh.

Griffith...again. The Sealed Room.

I'm giving up...I really am. I thought I could still find redeeming qualities about Griffith's work but no! My main problem with him is not even his random stories or over dramatizations it's the fact that he simply doesn't know or care about the actual world he bases his stories in. The room they were in was about 10 or 12 feet high by about 18 to 20 feet wide and 10 feet deep. At the lowest estimations that is 1800 cubic feet of air. Let's say at most they were breathing 3 cubic feet worth of air per would take 600 HOURS for them to run out of air...that's 25 days!!! So HOW in the hell did they die in a matter of seconds!? DO YOUR RESEARCH GRIFFITH...UGH WOAVGUJsduhvdsjfnviuhngv[sAHRDVKJDRBGV973wqgrfbco8ubseqign.

Those Awful Hats...Griffith

UM...okay? It was a pre-show message for, i'm assuming, a major problem back then. Instead of turn off your cell phones (or this gem from Texas:
) they had this...I think. That said I liked the movie within a movie thing...meaning the effect was done relatively well. That's about wasn't funny and thankfully it was only 2 minutes.

And finally...ending the decade with A Trap for Santa Claus...this should be interesting. 

I won't pass full judgement because it is a fragment but again Griffith lacks complete common sense and has the outdoor scenes in broad daylight...while the indoor scenes were clearly at night. I couldn't even think about what was going on because that bothered me so much. Awesome way to end the decade -_-. 

That's it folks. Next post (hopefully Sunday) will kind of be a summary as i'll post my favorite flicks and then next week we'll get into the 1910s! Thanks for reading and stay cool! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

1909 Part 1

Hello again! I know it's been awhile since I've posted...I started to write but I didn't really feel well so I stopped, and now i'm writing again. So today begins 1909...shall we get started? WE SHALL!

First up we have another D.W. Griffith film, go figure, titled A Corner in Wheat. 

For the most part I enjoyed the film. It resonates with me and my generation as far as the rich taking everything and leaving us to pick up the scraps (can you tell i'm a broke liberal college kid?). Regardless I'm sensing some issues that D.W. and I will come across in the future. His main problem is that almost every shot goes on for way too long. I hate films where the shots linger for like 10 seconds too long. We get it they're happy/sad/pissed! Now move on!! A recent super annoying example of this was in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 where Molly Weasley looks out toward the field when she hears someone arrive after the "Seven Potters". I could have sworn the shot lasted for like 20 seconds...probably not but still! Anyways I enjoyed the story and the titles in between scenes. Overall good film.

Next up we have another Griffith picture titled The Country Doctor

So throughout this film all I kept thinking was, "...this is a demon child!!". That kid barely, if ever, blinked and had raccoon rings around huge eyes. I was instantly terrified that this was an exorcist situation and I would be freaked out. Thankfully that didn't happen. A positive thing about this film is that the shots were (mostly) normal. There weren't any glaring long shots, that I can remember, so I'm happy about that. One thing that killed me was the fact that no one did their medical research. I understand its the early 1900s but the heart is definitely not in the same area as the stomach. Nor does listening to the pulse, putting your hand on the forehead, and putting rags on said forehead cure illness. When the doctor came back and was like "psh woman she's fine! I'll just touch her with my magic hands!"...yea not buying it. Other than that the film was pretty good.

Next we have The Curtain Pole by none other than D.W. Griffith

D.W. Griffith should never do comedy. This was all sorts of bad. I honestly can't say more because almost everything made me cringe.

And now The Golden Louis, another Griffith film.

Honestly all I have to say about this film is...huh? The girl is poor...she goes to sleep? drops coin...another man takes coin...gambles (without ever losing)...girl wakes up and leaves her comes back to find her gone...girl goes back TO THE SAME STOOP (why is this stoop so special?!) and dies? finds her at the stoop (again) and then gives all of the other peasants the money...then laments her death??!?! How did this get greenlit?! Griffith is starting to falter.

Now is The Hessian Renegades...D.W. Griffith. America rules? That's what I got from that. Nothing remarkable to comment on although I will say that Griffith is losing me...maybe I just need a change of scene.

Last but not least we have The Lonely Villa. 

Why Griffith? I don't understand how this made any sense. There wasn't a real story here! All we see is some seedy people outside of a house and then the dad is gone and then the women are being attacked. Ok...why are they attacking that specific house?? There has to be a reason because they lured the big strong man away so they could take advantage of the family. Did they have some treasure? A secret bit of information? Were they from the mob? I WANT TO KNOW!

That's it for today folks! Next time we will be finishing up 1909 then I'll post my favorite films from this decade...should be a good time. Later!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1908: The Birth of a D.W. Griffith

I'm back! Sorry about that whole vacation thing...parents were in town for my birthday and I didn't really have time to sit down and watch movies. That said, this week I will be going through the rest of the decade (ahead of schedule)! Today is when we start 1908. This is the year D.W. Griffith got hired as a director for Biograph pictures. He would go on to make 500 films through 1913 and in 1915 he would make the controversial Birth of a Nation (originally titled The Clansmen). Let's get started!

First up in today's line up is The Adventures of Dollie by D.W. Griffith.

Going into this film, and this director, I was extremely apprehensive. I heard from legions of film major friends the Mr. Griffith was...long winded (to say the least) and I really wasn't looking forward to it. Having seen his first film I can say that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. This doesn't mean I'm a huge fan but there are many things that I did enjoy. First of all the lack of a sound stage was amazing. The entire film was shot outside and while I have a problem with the story (rather how long the story took), I was grateful for the scenes to take place in their natural habitat instead of being fabricated and goofy looking (Melies -_-). Hopefully we can stay on this trend of well done films...

Next up is another animated piece called Fantasmagorie by Emile Cohle.

1 minute and 20 seconds (approximately). That's how long this animated film was. It was over a minute of...nothing. I don't deny that the animation was pretty impressive for 1908 but that doesn't mean all forms of story need to be thrown out of the window! The little cartoon could have gone on a quick adventure to the zoo or around the city or SOMETHING! I don't understand how just because it's animated means there can't be any story. Thank the world for Disney (although he doesn't come in to feature films until 1937). He actually told stories with his films...crazy I know.

Now we have an Edison studios production starring D.W. Griffith called Rescued From an Eagle's Nest.

It can't be an Edison studios production without me getting highly confused and/or upset at something. Low and behold I wanted to throw my computer again. This time it was the lack of storytelling that happened. Let me sum up what I could gather from this film: bird picks up child, mother tries to shoot bird but can't, mother and father (with some friends) go on a search, father climbs down to fight bird (WHAT?!), father grabs child from off screen, father and child are pulled up to safety. My question is how the HELL did they know where the bird/kid were...the audience doesn't know so how do they know? That's what I mean by lack of storytelling. For example when you summarize a novel there is a story that is being said but there is no storytelling. All it would have taken is two shots, one that showed where the bird landed with the child and the other showing that the search party saw where they landed. Simple as that! If those shots existed I would have enjoyed this film but OH NO...things can't be happy in my world.

Next on our list is the first known Russian film Stenka Razin by Vladimir Romashkov.

First off a hearty welcome to Russia in the world of cinema. The Russians join England, France, Australia, and of course USA in cinematic productions. That said...I'm not a fan of this film. Thankfully there were title cards so I could kind of follow along but jesus it took forever to go through the scenes. Especially when the scenes that seemed important went by extremely fast and the first scene, which was a bunch of guys trying to get on a boat, took 2 WHOLE MINUTES. That means a third of the freaking film focused on them getting on a boat. I don't understand that at all. I'm not going to completely hate on the Russians for churning out this crap because it was their first film BUT good god let's hope that they do better in the future.

Last but not least is The Thieving Hand by J. Stuart Blackton.

Yay!! Ending a year with a great film always makes me happy. First of all I could see all of the actor's faces. Then the story was absolutely hilarious! Oh my did I laugh. I can't even articulate how much this film made me smile. My only criticism was the hokey sets BUT I can ignore it for the awesomeness that I just witnessed. This will definitely go into my favorite films of the decade list.

That's actually it for this year. There were a lot of lost films unfortunately (13 listed films with 5 films that I actually watched) so next time we will get into 1909. I can't believe we're almost into the 1910s! It seems like yesterday that I first watched Roundhay Garden Scene. Until next time!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm off!

Hi everyone! I'm sure you've been gnawing at your fingers wondering where my posts have been...Well my family is in town this whole week and I won't really have a moment to watch...let alone write any blogs. SO I'll be back next week with 4 posts just so I make sure to stay on schedule. That should end the 1900s (hopefully) and we'll go into the 100+ films that are in the 1910s! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week.

Friday, July 1, 2011

1906 and 1907

Hello once again! Today, as promised, I will be going through two years (1906 and 1907). Hopefully I won't kill myself in the process but it's all in good fun.

First up we have Humorous Phases of Funny Faces by J. Stuart Blackton, the artist behind The Enchanted Drawing, it's the first animated film devoted solely to the drawings on the page, or in the case the chalkboard.

I really enjoyed the animation in this. It's clear that there is still a LONG way to go until we get to Snow White but it's certainly well done. I enjoy the use of showing footage backwards making it look like smudges were turned into drawings. Good stuff! I even laughed a little bit at the beginning and of course every time Blackton's hand flashed the screen. I'm excited to watch more and more animation!

Next we have The Story of the Kelly Gang by Charles Tait.

...GO AUSTRAILIA!!!!!! This film was produced entirely in the land of kangaroos and was even banned in a number of places on the continent/country (signs of a good film yes?). Unfortunately this film was originally about an hour long and only about 15 minutes of it have survived. It would have been nice to see the rest of it but regardless I was pleased...for the most part. Before I talk about my seizures let's get into the stuff I liked. First of all...YAY LITTLE USE OF SETS!!!!!!! SO much of it was filmed in the natural environment instead of being fabricated in a studio (looking at you Melies) I was super happy about that. The story was also really well done. I was able to follow along pretty easily without straining myself. Now...I know this is because of damage but holy crap I felt epileptic in the second part...there were full minutes where all you can see is burnt or damaged film and I have no idea what goes on in those sequences! Very annoying. AND what the eff was up with that knight outfit Ned Kelly was wearing? I was expecting the Black Knight to come in after him... Anyways I really enjoyed the film and I'm super proud of Australia for putting out such high quality work.

Now we're into 1907 and to start us off we have Mr. Melies with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. 

Mark this a day in history folks because I absolutely hated every single piece of this film...a Melies film. The story was loosely based on the novel at best and the special effects were down right terrible! In past Melies films we've seen people breathing without protective gear on the sun and the moon which I can forgive because no one really knew what their atmospheres were like back in the early 20th century...BUT to let some dude just open up a hatch in his submarine without a diving suit is just downright STUPID!!! And don't say oh well it was a dream so it doesn't matter...BULL. SHIT. No...just no. I freaking hate dreams in movie and television and this is no exception (although Inception is). It's the biggest cop out in screenwriting and I don't care for it at all....AND omg and the freaking dancers...WHY?!?!?! just why??? I don't understand at all...they didn't even look like mermaids because they had FEET. Oh and then they like took the sailor away? Look I have no idea what happened all I know is that I am super disappointed in Melies.

And now we have the first incarnation of Ben Hur by Canadian director Sidney Olcott.

So there really isn't anything remarkable about this film except that this is the film that got the whole "get the rights to film something from previously written work" law. Also...karate CHOP! (check out what the guard does at around 5:25).

Now we have short comedy called First Prize for the Cello.

So I really wish I could congratulate the people who did this...but they are unknown. This was absolutely hilarious! Simple, to the point, and just plain funny this film really made me feel good about this project again. I was feeling like it was going to take a lot to get through the early years of cinema especially when we get to D.W Griffith (so scared). But this has reminded me that a lot of films were quite good. I also really appreciated the quality of the picture. Compared to Ben Hur it was like watching HD! And the lengths those people were going through to get the cellist the hell out of their neighborhood was priceless!! This is certainly going in my top movies of the decade list.

Unfortunately there were 6 more films made in 1907 but I can't get access to them anywhere! This is especially sad because the oldest pornographic film was on this list. If anyone can find the rest of the films on this list let me know and i'll make sure to watch them. Till next time!!