Sunday, May 29, 2011

The 1880s

And so it begins! We are starting this journey with the oldest pieces of film that have survived the over 100 years of existence. Most of them are not about a story rather they are a collection of moving pictures. They are also almost always an experiment in this new technology and these early films are...well...early. Shall we get started? WE SHALL!

First off is the Roundhay Garden Scene. Made in October of 1888 by Louis Le Prince, this is the oldest surviving film. It's 2 seconds long...take a look!

Not much to comment on...they walk. Moving on! Next up is another Louis Le Prince masterpiece (Leeds original). Also produced in October of 1888 this Le Prince guy filmed some traffic going across Leeds Bridge...breathtaking and again it's 2 seconds...ENJOY! 

Honestly I think its pretty cool that these random bits of film are still around and we have the opportunity to see actual footage from that time period...(like my opinion matters HA).

Pressing forward...we've now graduated to almost 10 seconds (at 2 frames per second)! This Accordion Player is by far the lowest quality of Le Prince's work so far and is more of 19 pictures being placed in order than a film...but i'll take it. 

and the 2 second version! 

Now the last film we have on our bill for today is unfortunately a lost film...meaning I can't watch it...BUT I would like to say that it was originally thought to have been the first film ever made (until the first 3 films I talked about were discovered). It was shot in 1889 by William Friese-Greene (an English inventor) annnnnnnnd we somehow lost all 20 feet of his film. How is that even possible? Unless you purposefully burn it or something...jerks. I bet it was the French...they got jealous because an Englishman caught on to their little "motion pictures"! Don't get me wrong I love the French but you know they would do something as silly as destroy a film...amirite?? I'm right. 

Anywho come back on Thursday when I tackle the 1890s where sound is first introduced ("WHAT?!?!"...i know right?) and the films are over a minute long (crazyness I say)!  

Films Watched Today:
4. Leisurely Pedestrians, Open Topped Buses and Hansom Cabs with Trotting Horses :,_Open_Topped_Buses_and_Hansom_Cabs_with_Trotting_Horses 

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